Do You Have a Family Foundation℠?

Does your family collectively know who you are, what you stand for, where you're going and how you’re different?

In other words, have you discussed, documented and communicated your Family FoundationSM?

Clarity around who you are, where you're going and how you’re different as a family.

A Family FoundationSM consists of determining and documenting the following:

  • Family Definition: A broad statement of who your family is. Typically, it’s one to three sentences. Works as a “lens” to assess plans, goals, roles and activities.
  • Family Mission: Defines what your family wants to accomplish collectively and what it values in that accomplishment, and
  • Family Strategy: Clarifies the key family attributes required for success and longevity across multiple future generations.


An illustration of a growing business that is built on a strong foundation

Family FoundationSM

We work with families to answer those questions by conducting a white board visual drawing process to create clear and concise statements that define your family definition, family mission, and family strategy.

GroundSwellSM facilitates our visual thinking process by asking questions and drawing at least one doodle for each of the six visual thinking questions (see image below). The doodles are then posted on the wall to allow everyone to “see” the doodles and develop a deeper visual understanding of how all the aspects of the six questions are connected.

Image of a human brain expressing ideas visually

Along with our family legacy planning and heir training, GroundSwell’s Business Ownership PlatformSM provides the people and tools needed to successfully stabilize, grow, or transition your business and your legacy.

Schedule a call today.



GroundSwell℠ provides the right people and tools to successfully stabilize, grow or exit your business. Bob Bennett contributed to this article.

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