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GroundSwellSM Overview

Who we are, what we do and why we’re different.

intro video

Business Ownership SchoolSM Overview

An introduction and how it works.

Intro video

Inner OptimizationSM Overview

The why and how behind our Inner OptimizationSM interoception offerings.


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Survey options & research

Details on our different surveys and the research behind them.

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Business ownership skills

The integrated skills and content areas of ownership skills.

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Partnership options

Our planning process deliverables and long-term partnership options.

Cover page of a document with a bridge in the background

Valuation Bridge PlanSM

Details behind our Valuation Bridge PlanSM.

Cover page of document with snow covered mountains in the background

The one question

Looking to transition out of the day to day of your business or sell? Ask yourself this question first.

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Key dimensions of Inner OptimizationSM

Details on our proprietary interoception training and why owner-mangers need these skills.

Cover page

Direct ownership partnerships

Looking to lower GP fees and carry? Download our guide.

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Estate legacy planning & heir training

An overview of our legacy planning & heir training.


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computer monitor screen with an arrow above increasing bar chart left to right with robot-like hand extensions from the monitor for search, comments, emails, chats and verbal communication

The What & Why of GroundSwell ONE℠ Enterprise Project Management Software

GroundSwell's enterprise project management ("EPM") software simultaneously improves both the strategic and tactical (day-to-day) project and task management of your organization. An integrated set of modules, workflows,...
Stick figure with colored organs with arrows showing focus of eyes on various organs moving down and ups with five gray solid lines around stick figure

Thinking, Feeling & Doing, Fast & Slow

We've seen most if not all business owners, ourselves included, struggle with the following: Being fully objective in their short and long-term thinking, Being fully present...
illustration of five business ownership concepts and how they are connected via a web of knowledge

How To Develop Ownership Wisdom

People generally know what wisdom means, but few can clearly define it. They certainly can't teach or measure it. If you're curious what wisdom is and...
An illustration of a blue bridge that is crossing a moat of water to a company headquarters. The bridge has an off ramp, or exit, to retirement on the left hand side which leads to a beach with lawn chairs and bags of money. This image depicts an exit plan for business owners where they can enjoy retirement while their business continues to thrive in the future, under new ownership

Why You Need to Make Yourself Irrelevant

You've put your life into your business. Business ownership comes with challenges, but you're proud of what you have built and wouldn't change a thing. You...
red cube surrounded by six bars that represent business ownership frameworks and direct ownership

A Differentiated Direct Investment Process

Most general partners spend their time responding to investment bank pitch books. Some develop deep industry knowledge and source proprietary deals through personal relationships. But few...
A fractal flywheel that has seven levels and depicts the key components to family development across generations

Family Legacy Development

We know what it's like to feel like our kids might end up suffering from affluenza. According to Webster's Dictionary, affluenza is the feelings of guilt,...
An x and y graph with "risk" on the x axis and "return" on the y axis

A Better Option

Investing in private equity funds is expensive. If you add up the management fees and carry the typical limited partner pays, about 40% of their total...
bridge with a little money on one side for value today and a lot of money on the other side for value tomorrow

The Business Valuation You Deserve

You decided to sell your business or raise some much-needed growth capital. What happened next seems unfair. When you visited your bank to start the process,...
x and y graph depicting an individuals response to external triggers

Do You Respond Or Do You React?

There's lot coming at you when you're running a business. It's impossible to plan for everything, and it's easy to overreact to the crisis of the...
An illustration of a blue bridge that is crossing a moat of water to a company headquarters. The bridge has an off ramp, or exit, to retirement on the left hand side which leads to a beach with lawn chairs and bags of money. This image depicts an exit plan for business owners where they can enjoy retirement while their business continues to thrive in the future, under new ownership

Do You Have an Exit Plan?

Are you looking to sell your business or transition it to a family member and retire? And are you counting on that asset to fund your...
A chart that chart visualizes the three underlying drivers of a strong brand

How to Quantify Your Brand

You can beat out your competition with a differentiation advantage, a fancy way of saying having a strong brand. To quantify your differentiation or brand, ask...
An illustration of a growing business that is built on a strong foundation

Do You Have a Family Foundation℠?

Does your family collectively know who you are, what you stand for, where you're going and how you're different? In other words, have you discussed, documented...

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Want more detail behind what we do? We have a lot more to share if you’re interested.

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