Changing PainsSM
How does it work?
Changing PainsSM exist when an organization’s revenue does not match its current people, things, processes, plans and culture. These pains typically occur when a company’s revenue is growing rapidly but also exist when a company’s infrastructure no longer meets the needs of the marketplace/customer and revenues are actually declining.
We have found these same pains exist in most companies much of the time. Until the underlying people, things, processes, plans and culture have been successfully developed, their revenues will be static, and the organization is at a high risk of failure.
Our Changing PainsSM Survey quickly assesses if you have any of these pains. Most business owners experience these pains more like a frog placed in water that is slowly heated to a boil. Frogs can’t feel heat so they don’t know that they’re getting hot and literally boil to death. The same goes for many business owners. Something isn’t quite right but they can’t pinpoint what’s wrong until it’s often too late.

How you answer each question in our Changing PainsSM Survey has a direct relationship to how well you have developed your Fractal Flywheel of Organizational DevelopmentSM in your organization as well as how well you and your team have personally mastered the five-factor approach to management and leadership assessed in our Management Development Survey and detailed in our Fractal Flywheel of Management & Leadership DevelopmentSM. The extent that you have these pains also severely limits if not blocks your ability to grow your revenues and successfully navigate our Stages of Organizational DevelopmentSM.
Finally, our Management Development Survey can collectively tell you if you have our Leadership BasicsSM in place in your organization. You need Leadership BasicsSM in place, yourself not included, to successfully transition out of the day-to-day of your business as well as sell your company for the highest price.