Fractal Flywheel of Strategy DevelopmentSM

How does it work?

With a focus on clearly defining your customer, competition and cost structure, our Fractal Flywheel of Strategy DevelopmentSM includes six distinct yet integrated factors of competitive analysis and twenty key variables to assess if your company is fundamentally different than your competition.
After clearly defining your customer we look at two primary direct forces and four indirect forces that collectively define your market. We also use a quantitative model to assess your company’s overall perceived differentiation advantage, often called your brand. In addition, we evaluate your organization on the five key variables that create low-cost advantages. These last two steps we define collectively as your competitive advantage. We refer to these first four steps of traditional strategy work as linear market analysis.
After defining your current or “linear” market we also look across alternative markets, sub-markets, alternative buyers, time and emotion to formulate new “non-linear” markets and products/service offerings. This process includes considering three categories of non-customers, unexpected successes and failures, both in your organization and your industry, as well as changing customer demographics, beliefs, values and perceptions. We believe most if not all innovations are a result of organized, purposeful work and not a “flash of genius.”

Finally, we use a straight-forward yet powerful financial calculation called equity spread, as well as your industry’s projected growth rate, to quantify your market opportunity.
We then synthesize these twenty variables into specific industry and company opportunities in your own customized industry and company white paper. Our white paper summarizes and integrates your industry and company analysis with our strategic planning and time-driven activity-based costing (“TDABC”) budgeting deliverables.