As a business owner, you’re constantly busy. And just when you’ve caught up, another unexpected challenge comes along, demanding even more of your limited time.
So how do you have the time to know what your competition is doing and what your customer wants?
In addition, how do you have the time to know if you’re truly different from your competition and if your customers really care about that difference?
In other words, how can you continually refine your strategy in an ever-changing marketplace while still managing the day-to-day demands of your business?
It’s tough and we’re here to help.
What is strategy and why is it important?
Strategy is figuring out how to be different from your competition while meeting your customers’ needs, even if they don’t know themselves. And if you don’t do both, you’re truly setting yourself up as a commodity in your customers eyes.
We’ve developed a twenty variable checklist to assess both your company and your industry in order to clarify and refine your current strategy.
We then integrate the outcome of that checklist into your own customized white paper, typically a thirty to fifty page PowerPoint presentation that includes a clear executive summary of the macro drivers for your industry and company including a clear definition of your target customer, their needs and how they buy, as well as specific tactical initiatives you can undertake to drive your overall profitability.

How Do I Start?
Schedule a consult with one of GroundSwell’s business builders today for more information about how we can work with you to refine your strategy with our white paper process.
“You’ve concisely pulled thirty years of knowledge out of my head and put it on paper. I couldn’t have done that.”
-Kris K.
Along with our white paper process, GroundSwell’s Business Ownership PlatformSM provides the necessary people and tools to successfully stabilize, grow, or transition your business.
Visit our key frameworks page on Strategy Development to learn how to develop a differentiation strategy for your company.